Thursday, August 09, 2007

Welcome to the VRMA Future Leaders Blog

An article titled Speaker Savvy by Jeanne Martinson states, "Each generation has unique perspectives on work, loyalty, communication, and leadership." Recognizing this, VRMA views the XY generation as the future leaders of the Vacation Rental Industry and wants to support your educational and professional development in order to ensure your individual success, the success of your peers and of the industry in its entirety.

In an effort to do this effectively , and with your input, we have created this blog. The purpose is to serve as a way for Vacation Rental Managers from the XY Generation to be an integral part of the planning process for the Future Leaders Forum, held at the 2007 Annual Conference in New Orleans.

Please take part in our polls and share your interests, stories, examples and advice with other Vacation Rental Manager Bloggers. You are also welcome to critique and rate the questions asked in this blog, including their relevance and importance to you as a vacation rental manager. This will ensure that the VRMA provides you and your peers with an excellent and educational experience at the upcoming annual conference.

Thank You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to change the background music? Please take David Bowie song off. Thank you