Thursday, May 29, 2008

Can you imagine your boss counseling & assisting YOU on your next career move, OUT OF THEIR COMPANY?

Can you imagine counseling & assisting YOUR BEST EMPLOYEES on their next career move, OUT OF YOUR COMPANY, possibly to a rival?

Well, that's exactly what Deloitte Touche, the accounting firm is doing in an effort to curb employee retention. This initiative was reported in Time magazine, in an article entitled "What Gen Y Really Wants" by Penelope Trunk.

This program was created by Deloitte's Stan Smith, National Director of Next-Generation Initiatives after he consulted with the Gen Y's at his company, asking "what attracts and keeps them at a job." Smith found, "that job hopping is not an end in itself but something young workers do when they see no other choice."

Deloitte's response to this: "Programs at Deloitte that focus on helping people figure out their next career move", wherever it might be.

The reason for this: "People would rather stay at one company and grow, but they don't think they can do that," Smith says, "Two-thirds of the people who left Deloitte left to do something they could have done with us, but we made it difficult for them to transition." Smith is betting that in many cases, the best place for a restless young person is simply another spot in Deloitte. This saves the company the $150,000 cost of losing an employee--not to mention the stress for employees of changing jobs."

You can find the article in its entirety here:,9171,1640395,00.html

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