Sunday, August 17, 2008

Identify and Distinguish the Atmosphere at Your Work

Discovering the true culture of your office is the first step toward employee satisfaction.

During a job interview, it’s important to inquire about the office atmosphere. Finding an environment that suits your work style can mean the difference between a job you love, and a job you can’t wait to leave.

However, experience has shown that most interviewers respond the exact same way. “We work hard, but we have fun, too.” This is the blanket answer, meant to indicate a bottom line: we expect you to get your work done, but don’t be scared, we’re also nice people.

That would be great if it were true. However, most of the time it’s surprisingly inaccurate. Sometimes “we have fun” means free happy hour every Friday starting at 3 p.m. Sometimes it means “You may listen to your iPod from 8 to 8:30 every morning.”

The definition of “we work hard” also varies drastically. In most environments you can assume that work comes before play. Other times the managers will set aside important tasks to throw a Cinco De Mayo party. (Think Michael Scott from The Office, as an extreme example.)

Being arbitrary about your workplace culture leads to universal problems. For one thing, you may attract the wrong kind of employee. A worker looking for a fun, flexible environment will balk and perform poorly if they accept the position only to find themselves in a structured atmosphere. An employee who is more task-oriented will not fit in with a culture that values fluidity, where a whimsical idea will lead to dropping current projects to pursue something new.

It’s important for both employees and managers that each workplace make a specific distinction on their true office environment. Doing so means attracting and retaining the right employees, as well as letting employees know from the start what is expected of them.

But how do you define your workplace culture?

The best way to begin is through a series of self-assessment questions, the first of which is listed is listed below. The rest will be listed, one each week...

* This artice is from Melissa Dyaln from

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